
Walter Bacher Nativity

Born in Brixen (South Tyrol) Walter Bacher apprenticed to a well known sculptor at the age of fourteen. He then attended two years of art school in Munich, followed by four additional years at the Academy of Art. His works are displayed in churches and museaums both in Europe and overseas. One of his most famous creations are the figures of the ANRI Walter Bacher nativity set.

Due to customer interest we have uploaded the full pictured catalog of the Walter Bacher nativity.

This is for information purpose only, as most figures are not or will probably never be available again.

This is the version in Maple wood, as it has been originally produced by ANRI since 1960, but comes now only in the colored version, in size 12.5cm/5″ and 25cm/10″. As we only keep a very limited stock of the ANRI Bacher nativity, please send an inquiry using the contact form before the purchase. Thank You.

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